
Don and Lorraine Provost traveled with their two children on a cross-country trip from Oakland, California to visit as many colleges from Texas to Washington, D.C. in 1992. Along the way, the family visited small liberal arts, historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU) that were related to the Presbyterian Church, as well as many other HBCU schools they could fit into their schedule.

Many of the schools were not widely known in the Bay Area, making it unlikely that the students would find out about them and the financial aid packages they offered. An idea was born to introduce Bay Area students, particularly minority students and their families, to the university opportunities that exist. The plan was to help students, especially seniors, who had not decided which college to attend or did not believe that they could go to a four-year institution.

Now after 20 years, the Presbyterian couple and a board with a mix of faith-based and community-based organizations continue to work tirelessly to present The College Awareness Program — an annual program that includes college awareness nights and tours.