September 23, 2014
The College Awareness Program founded by Lorraine & Don Provost, 22 years ago, still looking for “Diamonds in the Rough.” Diamonds in the rough are students that we find, take them off to see the colleges, get them in and follow them until they graduate.
They are “shined and polished” – educated and they become contributing adults in our communities. The program was founded originally in Oakland to introduce students in the Bay Area , to less familiar, small liberal arts colleges, that have lots of scholarships to offer to deserving students.
Over the years, hundreds of students have been introduced to these colleges, as well as many other colleges, via the Annual College Awareness Night. Not only will there be representatives from these colleges promoted by the Provosts, but many other colleges, including representatives from some local colleges. Admission criteria, financial aid, scholarship opportunities and college life will be just some of the topics. Admission is free to all, including refreshments with a few prizes to be given away. The program is on Monday, September 29, 2014, Saint Benedict’s Church Social Hall, 2245 – 82nd Ave. and Bancroft Ave., Oakland, CA, 6:30 – 9:00 P.M. Students are advised to bring copies of their transcripts and to be accompanied by their parents, guardians, church members or organization members to support them and assist them in understanding information distributed. For additional information, please contact us